Saturday, October 25, 2008

Learn, Think, Act- TB a Global Epidemic-

James Nachtwey is one of the most incredible and influential photographers of our time. Last year he won the TED prize of a wish to change the world and his goal was to use photography to bring knowledge to the world of the epidemic of Tuberculosis and particularly the new form of Extremely Drug-Resistant TB. I encourage you to watch the video of his images below- get educated, think, take action, pass it on.

XDR-TB has been found in at least 49 countries and killed 1.7 million people last year, with more than 2 billion people currently infected. For more information check out , to learn, to find places to volunteer, and to donate to the cause. We have to stop the spread before this epedimic becomes a pandemic, and help get aid to those who are already sick.


Catalin B. September 4, 2010 at 3:06 AM  

Very nice pictures. They truly describe the suffering and pain. I guess that saying is true: a picture is worth a thousand words. I am pleased to see that at least some of us are trying to send out a message that is educational.

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